Thursday, September 20, 2012

Heading South - Days 72-86

Monday, September 3rd, Labor Day

Last night I almost called Kate (the lady we continuously were bumping into across Newfoundland) to see where she was, but since it was raining so hard I thought it improbable that she would want to drive to our campground for dinner or to just visit.  Well, as we were pulling out of our site the next morning, guess what!  Yep, there she was - standing there only two sites down! Again we meet!  What a shame I didn’t place that call!  It would have been lovely to visit with her and her daughter.  Since she will be staying there for four days, I am sure that this is the LAST time we will meet.  Rather sad.  I will miss her.

US Customs - It's Labor Day - Where is everyone?
It was time to cross the border again, this time to the “good ole USA “.  It was the Monday of the Labor Day weekend, so there was great potential for a huge delay with hundreds of cars, but we were thrilled to see only one car in front of us! For some reason I am always nervous, although I had nothing to hide (pretty much).  With a few questions and a very cursory examination of our refrigerator and a glance into the bathroom, we were on our way.  Now, on a personal level, I was glad of the expedient manner of which we entered the country but it certainly did not make me feel confident in our procedures to keep our borders safe and secure!

We traveled on a few more hours to Bangor Maine and met my brother Steve and his friend. The Pumpkin Patch campground was really very nice.  Big, wide sites and they had a lovely little restaurant that we all had dinner at.  Very convenient, and it was great not to have to unhitch the car.

My brother came with a very generous cooler filled with his homemade organic blueberry products.  Jams, blueberry wines both sweet and dry, and blueberry champagne along with bags and bags of frozen blueberries!  It’s a good thing we have a large freezer!  So far everything has been delicious!

Tuesday, September 4th

In case you have not come to the conclusion already in my prior accounting of our RV life, I am a “maintenance Nazi “.  It had not been since the RV was purchased that the RV had been thoroughly checked for cracks in the gaskets or caulking on the roof (and now knowing the quality of the dealer’s work, perhaps not even then). I had examined and repaired the main body myself before we left for this trip. The weather report said we were heading into a lot of rain so before we left the Bangor area Norman humored me and we found a nearby RV repair facility to get it checked out professionally. They found a few areas that needed care and took care of it, and gave it a good washing.  Hurray!  I felt much better, and we continued to our Massachusetts destination of Salisbury Beach, which is north of Boston.

We stayed at Beach Rose Campground.  It was pretty nice albeit narrow sites and they ran a very tight ship with lots of rules and regulations.  There were no children the days we were there, so it was very quiet.

We quickly showered our tired bodies and headed off on the 45 minute drive to have dinner with my daughter Laura and meet her boyfriend Mike; we had a terrific evening.

Many times that night we woke up with a “start” due to the biggest acorns we have ever seen falling off the tall trees above us and exploding on the roof!  I worried it was causing damage and planned to go on the roof in the morning to check it out.  (I found everything was ok, and after talking with the fellow next to us that was more of a maintenance freak than me, learned that although it wrecks your sleep, they don’t hurt the roof, which is weird because they dent cars).

Wednesday, September 5th

It poured throughout the night and was still pretty gloomy in the morning.  I did some laundry and Norm and I took off and did a little shopping to restock the refrigerator.

Even if she is a motorcycle instructor, I do worry !
That night my daughter and her boyfriend came to check out our new “home” and stayed for dinner and cards.  It is so wonderful to spend time with her and Mike.  I missed her.

Thursday, September 6th - Sunday Sept 17th

Today we would have loved to go mountain biking at my old favorite spot, but we were able to get an appointment for deep tissue massages with a fellow I have seen on and off for about 15 years. (He usually is booked out 3 weeks or more)  Hmmmmm  choices: beat up the body a little more…… Or fix our already really hurting muscles……….  Repair won out.
After enduring our painful but effective treatments, we went to visit our old friends, Sue and Jerry.

Jerry's Award Winning plant!  Wow!
Can you believe he keeps this in his bathroom?
We learned the fascinating history of Jerry’s one and only orchid that received a Certificate of Cultural Merit from the American Orchid Society. The prerequisites are not only the robust condition of the plant, but the amount of inflorescences ( spikes ) of which he had seven, the plant must be well flowered ( he had 150 ) and score between 80 and 89 out of a perfect 100 score.   What is really noteworthy is,  that by receiving this award he was able to add an additional name to his Cymbidium Pauwelsii.  He chose the name 'Kessander' (combination of his name, “Kessler”, his now wife Sue’s name, “Anderson”)  Thus, the name Cymbidium Pauwelsii 'Kessander', CCM/AOS will continue on as the orchid is split and cultivated by other  orchid enthusiasts.  How cool is that!

This all started 20 years ago, when Sue  purchased an orchid backbulb and proceeded to give it to Jerry, who never having had one before, obviously learned all he needed to know to grow this AWARD WINNING plant!

We did a lot of “catching up” and enjoyed a very delicious dinner.  We are so fortunate our friends are such great cooks!   

Friday, September 7th

Time to move again to a campground in Foxboro, Mass where Norm will be centrally located so he can do a few days’ work next week.  Norm moved the RV to this location while I stayed up in the North Shore and re-connected with a cousin that I realized that over the years the only times we saw or spoke with each other was at family funerals.  We had a terrific visit, and I am sure we will continue to stay more in touch- hopefully not at another tragic family gathering.

This new campground, Normandy Farms, is unlike any we have stayed at to date.  It is huge - holding about 500 motorhomes, a few tents, cute little cabins and fully furnished yurts.  It is rated 5 stars, and we are told the Travel Channel  touted it as  “one of the premier campgrounds of the world“ .
We now consider this a really nice site
Normandy Farms, Foxboro Massachusetts
There are 3 pools, a fitness center, movie room, places to eat, disc golf, bocce, etc.  The sites are really very spacious with room for 4 cars.  Norm worked out in the fitness room while he awaited my return. Other than that we unfortunately did not take advantage of all these amenities

Saturday, Sept 8th to Sunday Sept 16th

Oh, I am so behind in writing this blog!  We did not do anything too exciting to read about.  Over the next week Norman worked three of the days and then in the evenings we had many of our friends and family wanting to see the motorhome, so on separate occasions, we had them over for dinner, a campfire, and a lot of chatting.

Our extended family-to-be

such a nice yard to play games in

Jackie in her new home
On Saturday we were able to see Norm’s daughter Jackie and her fiancĂ© Joel’s gorgeous new home in Medfield, not far from the campground. We were going to go mountain biking behind their house, but after the torrential rain the night before, we thought it judicious to stay out of the potentially slippery woods. We don’t want to get hurt at this point of the trip. (and if Norm got hurt, I might have to drive all the way home – it would take us weeks with me driving)!  We spent the afternoon and evening with them and Joel’s lovely parents and extended family during a clambake at their new home.

Side note:
 My father at one time was a commercial “clammer” and we enjoyed frequent clambakes during my youth, but unfortunately, had not had a single clam in over a decade.  Boy, I love them!

 Jackie and Joel have a passion for games, so we played Flag Toss out in the yard, then a game of dice later inside, losing $2.00 in the process. They plan a destination wedding in Vermont next summer which will encompass an entire weekend.  I know they are planning lots of games, so Norm and I will have to practice a lot in order to beat them!  I don't care if they are the bride and groom- they are going down! We will have to start "training" soon.

I was able to spend an extra day with my daughter, and Norm met with his younger daughter Nicole for a lovely lunch.  Her schedule was so crazy that unfortunately more time could not be spent with her.  Hopefully she will be able to come to Florida soon so we spend more quality time with her.

It is so great to get out with friends!
We played a round of golf with friends at the same course that we had actually met them at probably 6-8 years ago.  It was the most incredible day, and we walked the course giving us some much needed exercise.

 Earlier in our trip we had been doing lots of physical activities but for the last 3 weeks – nothing.  It felt great to finally get out and move.  I was hoping we would have been hiking and biking right up until we arrived back in The Villages so I could immediately join the bike club, pickleball, etc., but time, location and weather just did not allow it. Hopefully I didn’t lose too much of that hard earned fitness I developed.

Sunday, Sept 16th 
This was our last day here in Massachusetts, and the weather is phenomenal!  A bit cool in the morning, (downright cold at 42 degrees to be truthful), but warmed up quickly to hit about 75 – 80 at noon.  We spent the morning looking at the other potential campgrounds in the area. The place where we are now is lovely, but the road noise at night has been keeping us awake, and frankly, the off season rate of $59 a night during the week and $69 a night weekends just seems crazy to us for a “parking space” with electric, water, and sewer hook-up.

 Oh, we are so glad we did because you just can’t tell looking on line.  I think they often take a picture for the internet with campers spaced two or even three sites apart.  One place was Canoe Rive Campground in Mansfield. Someone said in a review that it was “white trash at its best “and we both, after going there, thought that person was being kind!  Let’s put it this way, when we stepped out of the car to check it out, we made sure the doors were locked!  There were so many seasonal campers (they stay right at the site for the entire season) that looked like they had not been moved, or even cleaned in years.  Moss, mold, and junk all around- you know, that “Sanford and Son” look! Yuck!

The only other place anywhere near our family and friends was at Circle CG Farm in Bellingham, Mass.  This place was a little better, but most sites were under pine trees, and the potential for dripping sap a negative.  Many sites were too tight or sloped.  With site maps we obtained from each office, we drove around and noted which sites might be suitable. We came to the conclusion that where we are currently is by far the best spot around. Hence the 5 stars, I guess.

Lobster heaven!
We stopped and got a bunch of lobsters at the wonderful price of $4.99 a pound to make some incredible lobster salad sandwiches that I have been dreaming about. We quickly returned home so Norm could watch the Patriots football game on TV, which was actually playing live about 2 miles up the street at Gillette Stadium; somehow we avoided the traffic jams.

That evening we picked up, had probably our last campfire and sadly got ready to leave our friends and family.


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