Sunday, July 7, 2013

Day 26 - Hike along Prospect Cove, NS

Sunday, July 7th 2013

We woke to brilliant sunshine, so today is all about hiking!  We had read about this obscure hike located in Prospect Cove, about a 45 minute drive away.  Norman found somewhere on that magical World Wide Web the perfect parking place on a private cul-de-sac. 

Hike along the shore of Prospect Cove, Nova Scotia

We arrived at the same time as a group of locals did, and they asked how in the world did we know of this “secret” place.

 Nothing is safe anymore.  In fact, I have an interesting story:  When we had a house on Cape Cod, it was on a very obscure road.  When we noticed a man in a truck  parked out front, we asked why he was there.  He said “ On the internet, it gives the directions to park here, cut through your yard, down your stairs to the lake to fish. See? “  Needless to say, we were flabbergasted! ( Needless to say, we immediately put in a security system.)  NOTHING is safe or “secret” anymore. Scary, isn't it?

I am following Norm, but I don't think this is the trail!
So back to the hike.  We tromped through mud and forest for the first ½ mile or so, then the trail opened up to a spectacular site!  Rocks, water, and a fishing boat!  We opted to walk along the shore line, hopping rock to rock, glad that our balance has not yet escaped us in our “old age”. It was about 90 plus degrees this day, but there was an incredibly cool breeze right on the water.

Other than a couple of other people we passed along the way, we enjoyed this part of the planet by ourselves. 
I KNOW this isn't the trail.  This is pretty tricky.
The drop was much bigger than this appears.  Really.

We ate our picnic lunch and decided we better head back, but the thought of hopping more ankle stressing rocks was no longer appealing. 

 We decided to take this small path back that surely was only used by small animals.  This trail was something else.  The brush was so thick you could not see where your feet were stepping, and sometimes you lost the person ahead of you.  We didn't think to bring a machete!
Now where's he going?  This is not a trail at all!
Boy, this" trail " is getting quite interesting.  

Unfortunately, as we hiked inland we lost any breeze, so the temperature soared. 

Now, I would not say we were actually “lost”, because we knew where the ocean was, and where our car was relative to the ocean. Heading back toward the water and the rocks was always an alternative, but I have got to tell you, we were on paths that no doubt could only have been used by rabbits or even mice!

 It was rather fun in a masochistic sort of way. 

 We brought plenty of water and food, so I wasn't too worried. Norm never worries about anything, and frankly, that just plain worries me!

When our sense of direction finally brought us to the main trail about 500 yards of the car, I must say, we were relieved. ( well, I was )  I stepped on this nice, level path, and instantly felt a searing pain shoot up my ankle and leg! Oh, my gosh! It hurt about as much as anything I have ever felt before.  I thought for sure I somehow freakishly sustained a horrible sprain! How could I have done that? I just stepped on level ground. 

 After about 5 minutes the pain subsided enough to put a little weight on it, hobble, then miraculously my ankle felt good enough to walk with just a little limp, although it still hurt quite a bit.  Probably rest would be in order.  I guess walking on rough rocks for hours on these old ankles used to flat concrete is best done  in moderation.  ( whatever that is ). 

Walking a lot on these rocks would stress the ankles
of an Olympian ice skater

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