Saturday, June 23, 2012

Entry into the RV World

After tent camping for a few years, and loving it,we found that once we moved to Florida it was not quite the same as in the beautiful mountains of Vermont.

Bugs, alligators, snakes, heat, etc. was really cramping our style. ( not to mention “age” ). Pitching a tent in the rain and being soggy for a week, just didn’t seem as “fun” as it did ten years ago!

The funny thing is that we always said we would NEVER want an RV! We would exclaim how horrible their “campsites” are – more often than not in an open field, giving them the appearance of being in a parking lot! How gross!
We thought this was pretty luxurious at the time!

Driving off with our 2009 Winnebago Adventurer and tow car
Well, my friends, never say "never".
Our neighbor was selling his RV, and for some really strange reason, got us thinking how we really missed camping and how great it would be to be able to travel in a " rolling tent"!

We then spent the next few months totally absorbed with the extensive and exhausting research of our new means of "camping". After hunting in the far reaches of the state,we finally found this 32 foot beauty just down the street!  It was traded just the day before, and was perfect!

Slight accommodation upgrade
 We must admit, however, that this is not really " camping ". But it certainly felt great when we arrived at our first campsite in the rain, and when we had a sudden downpour in the middle of the night we were so dry and comfy! We really don't miss that cold, clammy feeling when you wake up!  Really.

Since I have stomach issues and have to be careful what I eat, the best part, for me, is the ability to cook our meals in the Motorhome.  The larger than normal refrigerator was a definite plus!

Now if we can find a nice private, wooded campsite..........

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